Sunday, April 26, 2009
11:41 PM just came back from new house viewing with my family and wow, i totally love my room! damn chio, i think. "wah lao, WHAT, THE, FUCK?!?" it simply portrays my exact feeling. okay, i know the platform is kinda high and its kinda dangerous if tall people stand on it cause they might hit the fan. careful tall people, if ure coming into my room. :) im short what, i neednt worry much. btw.. these few days my internet is down, so does my beloved SCV. why? cause 2nd dad moved away from this current home and he cancelled the line without informing us. damn it right. but its okay la, cause we're moving into our new house on thursday. 4 more days only! just now, lovely uncle lent me his USB MODEM. and i hasnt done any school work cause i just get to go online! shit :( i think im just gonna do it tml in school. oh yeah, recap.. SATURDAY went out to town with choong for a dinner and a movie. we ate at botak jones and it was actually my first time there! the food is really good, just as what i heard. choong with his botak burger meal trying to be as healthy as i can, side dishes = broccoli + potato salad big portion! clove is sweet, not enough not enough not enough not enough not enough. |